24/07 2022


Croatian mountains are unsuitable for hiking in summer. If the summers were milder, then yes. But now summers are wicked, Croatian mountains are scarce with water, and most springs dry up during the summer heat. Summer heat is expected, but nowadays, we face brutal droughts. The few wells with still some water in them are scattered sporadically over the vast terrain. In the area of northern Velebit, there is almost no source of drinking water anywhere.

The modern world is facing climate change of epic proportions. The atmosphere has caught fire. Therefore, the July and August months have become hazardous for the physical activity required by mountain hiking. I’ve seen people with heavy burns just from hiking shirtless in the sun. Skin all purple and blistering.

Beside long sleeves, UV-protective clothes, you must carry large quantities of water and always have at least one extra litre for someone who might need it. Your colleague can ran out of water, someone you meet along the way who seems exhausted, etc. Unforeseen can happen, so you must have a minimum of 3 L of water in your backpack, plus an extra litre for emergencies.

Add all that liquid to other multi-day equipment, and suddenly you have a minimum of 10-12 kg of equipment on your back, which significantly affects walking comfort, mobility and speed.

The next significant danger we face during the summer in the wilderness is finding ourselves in the middle of a wildfire. Fear, panic and all other unwanted effects of the human psyche occur when a person who is not a firefighter winds up in such a situation. It’s a grave danger.

These days, Slovenia is experiencing the most extensive and worst wildfire in the country’s history. The smoke of that fire covered almost the entire Istrian peninsula. Villages have been evacuated, firefighters are falling off their feet from fatigue, and the fire blaze is not slowing. Surrounding countries have sent help in canadairs (water bombers), helicopters and manpower.

Summers have become dangerous. The insolation of the sun intensified. July and August should be spent at home, and travel worldwide should be minimized. September is still warm but less dangerous. The sun then slowly transitions to its autumn status, which is more tolerable for people and animals.

July and August are a window into hell, a hellish crack, a hint of the near and the far future. I think it’s a good idea to redesign the lifestyle accordingly, including planning annual vacations.


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